Lake Kindred Wikia

Item Description[]

"Evfurry so often you come across that moment in your life when you see a stray in a trash can. Not evfurryone stops to pick it up. Sometimes it takes many strays fur people to stop and find one that fits. This cats thankful you stopped and decided she was worth it, trash and all. Trash CAN be something beautiful, not can't. "

Kin Stats[1][]


Large information table below

Level Stamina Life Magic Damage Resist Skill Reward
1 10 20 15 14 88
2 15 30 22 24 88 [RIG] Summer Fireworks
3 20 40 29 34 88 [KINDRED] Refresh
4 25 50 36 44 88 [RIG] Hell Prison
5 30 60 43 54 88 [KINDRED] Magic Restore
6 35 70 50 64 88 Wither [KINDRED] Singe (3)
7 40 80 57 74 88 [KINDRED] Antidote
8 45 90 64 84 88 500,000,000 Gold
9 50 100 71 94 88 [KINDRED] Singe (3)
10 55 110 78 104 88 Fire Egg Bomb Kindred Donut the Skelecat
11 60 120 85 114 88 [KINDRED] Mega Stamina Up (5)
12 65 130 92 124 88 [RIG] Fiery Jewel
13 70 140 99 134 88 [KINDRED] Singe (3)
14 75 150 106 144 88 500,000,000 Gold
15 80 160 113 154 88 [RIG] Pure Heat
16 85 170 120 164 88 [KINDRED] Small Heal (5)
17 90 180 127 174 88 [KINDRED] Stamina Up (5)
18 95 190 134 184 88 800,000,000 Gold
19 100 200 141 194 88 [RIG] Starstruck
20 105 210 148 204 88 [KINDRED] Small Heal (5)
21 110 220 155 214 88 800,000,000 Gold
22 115 230 162 224 88 [KINDRED] Refresh
23 120 240 169 234 88 [KINDRED] Mega Heal (5)
24 125 250 176 244 88 800,000,000 Gold
25 130 260 183 254 88 [KINDRED] Singe (3)
26 135 270 190 264 88 [KINDRED] Mega Stamina Up (3)
27 140 280 197 274 88 [KINDRED] Magic Restore (3)
28 145 290 204 284 88 [KINDRED] Small Heal (5)
29 150 300 211 294 88 800,000,000 Gold
30 155 310 218 304 88 [RIG] Within Your Elements Bundles
31 160 320 225 314 88 1,000,000,000 Gold
32 165 330 232 324 88 [KINDRED] Singe (3)
33 170 340 239 334 88 1,000,000,000 Gold
34 175 350 246 344 88 [KINDRED] Small Heal (5)
35 180 360 253 354 88 1,000,000,000 Gold
36 185 370 260 364 88 1,000,000,000 Gold
37 190 380 267 374 88 [KINDRED] Magic Restore (3)
38 195 390 274 384 88 [KINDRED] Mega Stamina Up (5)
39 200 400 281 394 88 [KINDRED] Stamina Up (5)
40 205 410 288 404 88 [KINDRED] Refresh 
41 210 420 295 414 88 1,000,000,000 Gold
42 215 430 302 424 88 [KINDRED] Singe (3)
43 220 440 309 434 88 [KINDRED] Mega Heal (5)
44 225 450 316 44 88 [KINDRED] Antidote
45 230 460 323 454 88 1,000,000,000 Gold
46 235 470 330 464 88 [KINDRED] Antidote
47 240 480 337 474 88 [KINDRED] Mega Stamina Up (5)
48 245 490 344 484 88 2,000,000,000 Gold
49 250 500 351 494 88 [RIG] Elemental Surprise Bundle
50 255 510 358 504 88 2,000,000,000 Gold

Kin Skills[1][2][]

Skill Level Cost


Status Damage
Wither 6 5 Wither 497HP - 700HP
Fire Egg Bomb 10 15 Wither 708HP - 1,004HP
Spirit Flare 13 15 Wither 887HP - 1,250HP
Ghostly Flame 15 20 Wither 746HP - 1,004HP
Healing Flame 26 25 Healing 100%
Year of Fire 30 25 Wither 708HP - 1,003HP


  • This kin was created by the user Lithium Filth[1]

